Oat Milk
makes about a litre
About 65g (3/4 cup) whole oats
1-2 dates
About a litre of COLD water
1-2 dates
About a litre of COLD water
Place the oats with the date or dates (stone removed) in a high speed liquidiser (blender). Add enough cold water to make it up to about 500ml.
Blend on high speed for up to about a minute.
Pour into a fairly large-meshed sieve over a wide jug, then use about 200ml more water to rinse out the liquidiser container and pour over the sieve. Use a teaspoon to collect the pulp on one side so that it all drains through. Do not try to squeeze out any extra, but pour a little more cold water over if liked.
Now use a fine-meshed sieve such as a tea strainer over the jug or other container where you plan to keep the oat milk in the fridge. Pour the milk from the large jug slowly over it, using the teaspoon to stir gently or remove any more pulp so it all flows through. Use any remaining cold water to pour over the sieve or rinse the large jug to get as much of the milk as possible. There should be around a litre of milk, which needs to be refrigerated.
Oat milk can be used like any other dairy-free milk as a substitute for cow's milk.